Giant soap bubbles

Soap bubbles have always excited children in a visceral and contagious way, perhaps because in the round and crystalline magic of a bubble they find mirrored theirs. Maybe that’s why it is one of the most loved entertainment by children (and not only them!) and therefore certainly successful.
The practical implementation of the activities is divided into two parts.

In the first we will create tools to give life to giant bubbles to chase, fly and with which to create bold compositions made of soapy water, delicacy and imagination.
Check workshop: Giant soap bubbles

In the second act with my help every child will enter a giant bubble in the context of a suggestive interactive show that will lead the little ones to make with their imagination great trips in the world and in the cosmos supported by the participation of the present.

Quick Info

Addressed to:
  • Kindergarten
  • preschool
  • primary school
  • birthdays
  • public/private events
  • families
  • libraries
Age range:3-10 years
N° partecipants:Max 10 kids
Duration:2 hours
Required material:None
Place:Outdoor not windy or indoor high ceiling