Kamishibai 1
The approach with reading should be for the child a happy time. To this end, animation combines mimicry and gestures with the written page, thus making the text “alive” enough to involve the audience in the fascination of the imagination that evokes words. Through the story, the stories, the images and the sounds, the animated reading becomes a refined tool to acquire knowledge, but also an opportunity for sharing and personal and group expression. Being active protagonists will make it even more fun. The aim of the meetings, based on the theme of the story narrated, is to involve children in an active way thanks to a workshop that follows the theatrical reading, in which a new story is created with the personal contribution of individual participants.
1) Introduction
The first step is to describe the instrument: where it comes from, how it was used, by whom, etc. Introducing kamishibai as the grandfather of television familiarize children with the instrument. At the conclusion of this brief theoretical presentation I invite children to open wide their ears, eyes and above all heart to travel on the wings of fantasy within a new story.
2) Active involvement
During the story I take the children to participate in the narration through gestures and an involving theatricality in order to transform them from simple spectators in spett/actors declining in childhood the approach practiced by the various currents of participatory art.
Quick Info
Addressed to: |
Age range: | 3-13 years |
N° partecipants: | Max 20 kids |
Duration: | 1.5 hours |
Required material: | None |
Place: | Outdoor or indoor |
Price: | NA |
Notes: |