
Superhuman energy, the ability to fly, a secret identity, and a super villain strike and enchant the imagination of children.
In this workshop the elements of the superheroes’ sagas become the pebbles to find the way to the child’s personal talent and therefore his super power. Together we will explore the prerogatives of their favorite paladin with the dual purpose on the one hand to discover the superhero that lurks inside him and on the other to stage it.
We will accompany this process by making masks or different gadgets of the chosen superhero with recycled materials.


This workshop is divided into three phases:

1) Superhero’s choice

In the first part sitting in a circle, we discover which is the favorite superhero of each and especially what is the superpower that captures us.

2) Transformation

Once each child has expressed their preferences, we begin to give life to the transformation.
Children can create their own superhero following different paths: a mask made of cardboard drawn and coloured by them, the creation of an object of the superhero chosen, or accompany with a make-up on the face a costume brought on purpose.

3) Staging

At this stage I invent a fantasy story starring the chosen superhero. Through a narrative expedient created in order to involve the child I invite him to become his champion and solve the plot using his superpowers.
For example, in the middle of the story it may happen that the protagonist superhero will one day have the flue and ask the kid to replace him in the adventure in progress.

Quick Info

Addressed to:
  • kindergarten
  • preschool
  • primary school
  • birthdays
  • public/private events
  • families
Age range:3-13 years
N° partecipants:Max 15 kids
Duration:2.5 hours
Required material:Recycled materials
Place:Outdoor or indoor