My little bio-garden

The educational garden has a great pedagogical value, allows us to learn the respect of Nature and cultivate patience.
Recognizing its potential, Maria Montessori had included in her Educational Method the activity of the garden with children.
What the pedagogist recognized was that, for children, living nature means understanding that commitment and perseverance bear fruit: in order to obtain them, it is necessary to know the laws that regulate the world of Nature and accept the result even when this is a failure.
In children, orthotherapy increases a number of skills: it allows them not only to become familiar with the surrounding environment, but also to learn manual work and can lead to considerable benefits especially in the psychological field.
Caring for a plant, growing a vegetable garden, observing the growth process of a flower offer a direct and deep perception of the natural slowness of the rhythms of Nature, as well as being a flourishing meeting point between parents and children.
Getting your hands dirty, watering, fertilizing and then collecting and eating your first fruits.
This is the great magic of Nature that every child should have the opportunity to discover.
Among the many benefits that this activity brings with it we remember:

  • Awakens interest and love for nature
  • Increasing the sense of responsibility
  • Increases the self-esteem
  • Allows you to develop patience
  • Stimulates physical activity and promotes manual activities
  • Urges children to eat more fruits and vegetables

Quick Info

Addressed to:
  • preschool
  • primary school
  • families
Age range:3-10 years
N° partecipants:Max 10 kids
Duration:2.5 hours
Required material:None
Place:Outdoor or indoor